Arts experiences can leave lasting impressions on people of any age, especially young children. The memories that are cultivated by creating your first acrylic painting or clay pot can be definitive accomplishments or even milestones in someone’s life. OKCMOA strives to inspire and enrich experiences in arts education and is always thrilled to receive such encouraging feedback from students, parents, and caregivers.
Linda and Charlotte with Charlotte’s ice cream cone project.
Four-year-old Charlotte Rose has been a faithful participant in OKCMOA’s family workshops since she was old enough to hold a paintbrush, along with her grandmother, Linda Collado. Linda is an OKCMOA member who always tries to make her time at the Museum last as long as possible with her granddaughter from attending art classes, eating in the Museum Cafe, visiting Drop-In Art, and exploring the galleries.
Plus, Charlotte’s bond with previous teaching artist Natasha Millard who taught at OKCMOA for eight years, reminds us that the guidance style in any educational setting can be just as important as the subject matter.
Discover Linda and Charlotte’s Museum experience:
“Charlotte Rose is being home-schooled through Epic Charter School. One of the assignments was to write what you want to be when you grow up, and draw a picture of it. There were several options from which to choose. This was Charlotte Rose’s response: ” ‘The curly haired person is Charlotte Rose; the red haired person is Ms. Natasha, (Whom she loved and still loves) and the article is an easel!’ “
Charlotte’s picture of herself, Ms. Natasha, and the easel.
Clearly, you will read the word “artist.” I am so proud of that precious granddaughter of mine!!! An ARTIST!!! It is because of the classes she has taken at the Museum for three years now, the life-long impression left by Ms. Natasha, and all the people at the Museum who make her feel like a welcomed part of the Museum family!
I just wanted you to see how joyous we are when we come there together. Everyone treats us so kindly and I appreciate ALL of you who make “going to the art museum” something that children actually see as a FUN activity. Too bad that more parents don’t take advantage of the beautiful experiences awaiting at the OKCMOA. Thank you so much!
Charlotte, holding her clay bird rattle.
When the magnificent Matisse exhibit was there, we took a class with Ms. Natasha and we made Matisse vases/bowls. So, Sunday, Charlotte Rose brought an orchid to me. I was looking for the perfect place for it, and I couldn’t believe it – the little pot that the orchid was in fit PERFECTLY into the Matisse bowl that we had made in Ms. Natasha’s class!!! Take a look (as you can see, there are many other works of art made by Charlotte Rose during our art classes).
So, you see now just how IMPORTANT you, the Museum, Ms. Natasha, and all the wonderful people are who touch our lives with the encouragement and exposure of fine, fine art.
My heartfelt thanks to all of you at OKCMOA for providing classes for children as young as my granddaughter – most places do not offer anything to children this young. Not only that, but all of you make our Museum experiences SO GREAT!!!!! She LOVES coming there for the classes and for the galleries, as well. She is the only child that I know of who recognizes the works of Fabergé and Chihuly, AND can say their names!!! She is my little museum buddy, and all of you are an integral part of making that happen. Thank you.”
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OKCMOA is pleased to invite you to Museum Store x Ganache, a partnership with Ganache Patisserie. In addition to the enhanced shopping experience in the new space, visitors can enjoy a full bar with coffee, cocktails, beer, wine, and grab-and-go options from Ganache, including sweet and savory items.
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