Still lifes of foodstuffs are some of the best-known images from among the Pompeiian frescoes. We also have extraordinary physical evidence of foods consumed in the city and evidence of the spaces in which they were prepared and consumed. No other site provides as much information about ancient Mediterranean foodways as Pompeii. This lecture will provide an introduction to the foods Pompeiians at all socio-economic levels consumed, the spaces in which they cooked and ate, and the tableware they used. In addition, we will compare the still lifes with our physical evidence to explore the notion that images of foods could serve as projections of status and reflections of desires. Finally, we will take a look at examples of ancient Roman dishes that may have been served in the city.
$5 members/$8 non-members
Onsite in the Noble Theater
All registrants will receive a recording of the lecture following the event.
For questions or assistance with registration, please email or call (405) 278-8237.
Credits: Archivio Fotografico del Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli