“This long unseen masterpiece from György Fehér, loosely based on Friedrich Dürrenmatt’s 1958 crime novella The Pledge, follows a seasoned homicide detective whose careening obsession with catching a child serial killer compels him to use a young girl as bait. Captured with spellbinding, protracted tracking shots and ashen black-and-white tones by DP Miklós Gurbán (Werckmeister Harmonies), this nightmarish noir conjures a spectral world swayed by madness and senseless destruction. The first of only two theatrical features directed by Fehér, a regular collaborator with Béla Tarr (a consultant on this film), Twilight premiered at the Locarno Film Festival in 1990, where it won the Bronze Leopard for Gurbán’s camerawork.” -Film at Lincoln Center
New 4K restoration by the National Film Institute – Hungary Film Archive & FilmLab. Digital grading supervised by Miklós Gurbán (Director of Photography).