“Winner of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, Spirited Away is Studio Ghibli’s most critically acclaimed work and a modern classic of the animated film. After they move to a small suburban town, 10-year-old Chihiro and her parents discover an abandoned amusement park containing a restaurant with plenty of food but no customers. When her parents are turned into pigs after sampling the restaurant’s cuisine, Chihiro discovers that the park is a haven for hundreds of spirits and monsters ruled over by the bobble-headed witch Yubaba. In order to save her parents, Chihiro is forced to work all manner of odd jobs in the spirit world, where she finds herself in the middle of a feud between Yubaba and her gentle twin sister. Featuring some of director Hayao Miyazaki’s most dazzlingly imaginative creations ― most notably the alarmingly immense masked spirit called “No Face” ― Spirited Away is a visual wonder and a uniquely philosophical take on the standard coming-of-age story.” -Toronto International Film Festival
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