“The third film from audaciously original filmmaker Tyler Taormina (Ham on Rye, Happer’s Comet), with striking cinematography by fellow indie stalwart Carson Lund (Eephus), Christmas Eve in Miller’s Point is a captivating, nostalgic reverie of an Italian American family returning to their Long Island hometown for Christmas Eve. A tremendous ensemble cast makes up this extended multi-generational family, featuring Francesca Scorsese, Maria Dizzia, Ben Shenkman and Elsie Fisher, along with a delightful duo of bumbling local police officers in Michael Cera and Gregg Turkington. Over the course of the evening, personalities converge, tensions arise and rules are broken. This cornucopia of sensory delights lingers in pop-tunes, rich colors and varied textures and perspectives, recalling the bittersweet melancholy of returning home for the holidays, seeing loved ones age and time pass in sporadic bursts.” –Malin Kan, AFI Fest