The first film produced and released by Studio Ghibli, Castle in the Sky tells the story of Sheeta, a young girl whose secret name and glowing, crystal pendant link her to the lost civilization of Laputa—a flying island inspired by Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels. Pursued by a gang of air pirates and the villainous Colonel Muska, who all hope to harness the powers of the crystal, Sheeta is rescued by Pazu, a courageous young orphan, who helps her discover her mysterious birthright. An eye-popping Steampunk fantasy featuring clockwork airships, steam-powered mines, and giant robots, Castle in the Sky features a remarkable credit sequence in the style of Victorian woodblock illustrations. One part swashbuckling adventure, one part prescient ecological meditation, this early Miyazaki effort bears the writer-director’s unmistakable signature.
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