Nan Sheets, Herring Cove, Nova Scotia (detail), 1926, oil on canvas, 19 x 21 in., Oklahoma City Museum of Art, gift of Grant F. Bell in memory of Jesse A. Brewer, 1989.001, Image by Google
Legacy Giving

Mail Your Gifts
Oklahoma City Museum of Art
415 Couch Drive
Oklahoma City, OK 73102
EIN: 73-0528431
Become a member of the Nan Sheets Society!
Nan Sheets was a pivotal figure in the history of the Oklahoma City Museum of Art. Her leadership and vision for a permanent art institution led to the opening of the Oklahoma City Art Center in 1936, which later became the Oklahoma City Museum of Art. Nan Sheets served as the director of the Museum from its inception until her retirement in 1965. During her tenure, she worked tirelessly to expand the Museum’s collection, enhance its educational offerings, and increase community engagement with the arts. Her legacy is evident in the Museum’s continued growth and its status as a cultural cornerstone in Oklahoma City.
Members of the Nan Sheets Society share in her vision of a strong cultural arts center for Oklahoma City. Become a member today by including the Museum in your estate plan.

A Gift That Lasts
Including the Oklahoma City Museum of Art in your will or beneficiary plans ensures that your legacy will have a profound and lasting impact on the cultural fabric of our community. Your legacy gift will support the Museum’s mission to enrich lives through the visual arts by providing vital resources for exhibitions, educational programs, film, and the care and preservation of our collection.
By planning a gift, you help secure a vibrant future for the arts, allowing future generations to experience the transformative power of art. Your generosity ensures that the Museum continues to be a resource for art and creativity for years to come.
Bequest Your Legacy
A bequest is often the simplest and easiest way for you to have a lasting impact on the Museum while maintaining control over your assets throughout your lifetime. By including a gift in your will or trust, you can designate a specific dollar amount, a particular asset, or a percentage of your estate to go to the Museum.
You can designate your bequest to fund a specific program at the Museum or designate the funds to be used where they are needed most at that time.
Other Ways to Give
IRA Distribution
If you are 73 or older, you may take a qualified charitable distribution from your IRA directly to the Oklahoma City Museum of Art. You will not pay income taxes on the distribution. This transfer can satisfy your required minimum distribution. If you want to make a distribution from an IRA to the Museum before 73, you should consult your advisors.
Lifetime Gift of Appreciated Stock
You may enjoy two tax benefits with a gift of appreciated stock during your lifetime. You can avoid paying capital gains taxes on the appreciated value, while also qualifying for an income tax charitable deduction based on today’s market value.
Donor-Advised Fund
The Musuem can be a beneficiary of your donor- advised fund. You may contribute to a donor- advised fund, make gifts from that fund in future years, and enjoy a tax deduction on the total amount in the year the fund is created when you itemize your deductions.
Beneficiary Designation
You can designate the Museum as a beneficiary of your retirement plan assets.
A gift to an endowment fund at OKCMOA allows the Museum to use the income from your gift for years to come while the principal remains invested. The Museum has endowments to benefit a variety of needs to ensure the Museum exists in perpetuity.
To make an endowment gift, please contact the Development staff to discuss the best option. Contact 405.278.8227.
View our open exhibitions at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art. From delicate glass pieces to painted portraits, we have everything you are interested in.
OKCMOA is pleased to invite you to Museum Store x Ganache, a partnership with Ganache Patisserie. In addition to the enhanced shopping experience in the new space, visitors can enjoy a full bar with coffee, cocktails, beer, wine, and grab-and-go options from Ganache, including sweet and savory items.